In this episode, we’ll be discussing the history of the Italian-American presence in Chicago. Guests: Bill Dal Cerro, Vic Giustino Recorded: August 4, 2014 Running Time: 33:07
Episode 3 – Interview with 2 Italian immigrants.
In this episode, we’ll be discussing fairly recent Italian immigrants stories of coming to America. Guests: Joe Di Maggio, Francesca Lombardo Recorded: July 3, 2014 Running Time: 33:43
Episode 2 – The Italic Institute of America
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the Italic Institute of America and how it affects Italian-American citizens around the US. Guest: Bill Dal Cerro, President of the Italic Institute of America Recorded: March 27, 2014 Running Time: 32:49
Episode 1 – The State of Italian America
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the state of Italian America and why we need an Italian American studies program at Loyola University in Chicago. Guests: Dominic Candeloro, Chris Caliendo, Bill Dal Cerro Recorded: November 30, 2013 Running Time: 34:22